Calling Inner Peacemakers!
If you’re an awakened soul struggling with maintaining your intuitive flow, this is your opportunity to uplevel your consciousness.
Have you hit a wall in your spiritual growth and your gut is screaming there is so much more out there for you?
How can you hear quiet intuition if you are constantly overthinking?
Is it actually possible to use your spiritual gifts without paying a price?!
I bet you’ve tried books, classes, readings, endless memes, ... and nothing has quite worked for long, right?
How do you find the TIME to figure out what inner work you’re supposed to be doing … when your days are already filled with responsibilities?
Why's it so nerve-racking to question if you’re talking to your guides, or if you’re crazy?
Is the constant battle to know what to do next & judging yourself harshly really worth it?
Can you really hear intuition clearly without doubting yourself?
And when should you trust what you think?
Should you even consult with astrologers or other woowoo practitioners? Are you doing the most effective Yoga or meditation for you? How often is enough?
What about religion?
If any (or all) of the above questions run through your head… day after day… I might be able to help.
I'm Nicole Elwood, creator of Amplify Your Intuition.
And, while I don't claim to know it all, I HAVE helped many clients transform their life by creating a sustainable step by step action plan. They call themselves Inner Peacemakers!
And yet…
Not that long ago, I was in your shoes.
Those early days were rough.
I'd take a step forward only to take three more back. I was drowning in frustration from mentally spinning and second guessing myself.
Anyway, if that's how you feel right now...
Let me give you a road map, so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back roads, and instead take the fast lane to spiritual connection and inner peace that you can be proud of.
Let me show you how to get clear & trust yourSelf!
Here is what I’m proposing.
I’ve had a TON of beautiful souls reach out to me asking for my help who could not afford my exclusive private coaching services. So I had this crazy idea to build a step by step plan to guide you from frustration to freedom in just 6 weeks.
No fluff. No messing around, just a simple plan to take you from maddening uncertainty to clear intuition.
This is where to begin. Yes, you can.